Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hola Bloggers...I've wanted to keep up with my posting and wouldn't you know computer has gone bye bye... :( my hard disk drive burned out and I lost everything on my'm trying to adjust of not having a computer right now...and let me tell you there have been a couple of day's that I've wanted to go stir crazy! My poor kids and hubby if they get in my way!!!! LOL just kidding! I think... :p

So I'm here at my dad's using his computer and checking on stuff...if I remember...I will post once in awhile, I hosted a tag swap with a bunch of AWESOME ladies...using Greeting Farm Stamps...I've gotten some of the tags and they are just TOO FLIPPIN CUTE! I will be doin a video on them...using my son's laptop...hope I can figure that out! LOL...Well my Scrappy Bloggers until next time...Hope your all having a Scrappy Awesome Week! Peace!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened to you! Been there and done that and it's not pretty!! lol All the best as you get things going again!...Nancy :o)

  2. Hola Nancy! :)

    I know...I don't know what I was doing before a computer...LOL...I will get another one again...I can tell you I have been crafing like crazy...hmmm I think there was a silver lining in my clous when my computer bit the dust...LOL Big Hugs Amiga! :)

  3. =) Aww...It's not the same without you ami! This is the first time I actually get on here in a long time! ughhhhh!!!!!! Hope you get a compoopers soon! I'm having skype withdrawls! LOL! TQM ami!
